Meet the Board


Meet our dedicated board members, committed to making Warehouse Circus the best it can be!

Prospective Board Members

Are you interested in joining our Board of Directors?

While we don’t have any vacancies currently, we are always happy to hear from interested parties!

Click below to read more about what this would entail!

Len Hatch


Prior to his retirement, Len pursued a diverse range of roles, including 15 years as a Union Official in the South Australian car industry, advising three Cabinet Ministers over a 25 year period, conducting his private consultancy in industrial relations, human resources and communications, and finally a decade in the Australian Public Service in corporate roles at Geoscience Australia, Department of Immigration and the National Health and Medical Research Council.

Upon retirement, Len joined the Ainslie Football Club Board in 2015 after serving in various manager, coach and other volunteer roles with junior teams. His three children have all participated at junior level with the Club. In retirement he has been heavily involved in volunteer roles with St Vincent de Paul, Belconnen Community Services and since late 2021, as  a Board member with Warehouse Circus. At the Annual General Meeting in May, Len was elected to the role of President.

Len was delighted to be invited to Join the Board, humbled to have been elected its President, and looks forward to a long relationship with the Circus.



Kirsty Westaway

Vice President

Kirsty’s professional background is in project management and architecture, focusing on institutional planning, education, science and health projects. She hopes to support Warehouse with planning for facility development and accommodation for the future through the Board. She has strengths in client side briefing in project management, empowering users to clearly define needs and aspirations; and she works well on site, establishing professional relationships to achieve quality progress across a project. She has developed strong skills in refurbishments for education, Greenfield and master planning, and understanding of the changing scene for approvals for various council requirements.

Kirsty regularly sits as an examiner for the AACA, for registration of architects with the ACT Board of Architects, and was a director of Community Housing Canberra, a non-profit housing developer and tenancy manager, between 2003 and 2009. She currently sits on the Facilities Committee for ACT Hockey, continues to play hockey and support AFL junior football through volunteering. She has worked in both public service and private industry, have been involved in community, sporting & cultural organisations, tutored at the University of Canberra, and worked with many aspects of the ACT Government development interests.

Jo Haslam


Jo is delighted to join the Warehouse Circus Board, as she has been advised that running away to join the circus would be frowned upon as a spouse and mother of two.

Professionally, Jo is a strategic thinker in higher education with extensive experience in business and partnership development. Currently, she is the manager for Strategic Partnerships at the College of Asia and the Pacific at the ANU, where she manages regional institutes, international agreements, and industry engagement.

To the Circus she brings her expertise in connecting people, places, and ideas to create outcomes that are greater than the sum of their parts.

Angela Moran


Angela is a young professional with experience in financial and legal roles across a range of federal government, private and non-profit organisations. She currently works at Professional Services Review as a legal officer, where she provides legal services and advice in relation to safeguarding Medicare. Angela’s qualifications include Bachelors of Law and Commerce (Accounting).

Angela has always had strong community involvement, and is currently also a volunteer guide with blind runners and coach of wheelchair AFL in the ACT.

Whilst Angela can not (yet) juggle, she is a passionate consumer and advocate of the arts, in particular theatre and performance. She is looking forward to being a part of the Warehouse Circus board and community.


Jeff Brown

Public Officer

 Jeff works at the  Department of Defence, as an engineering manager with experience in safety, risk management, requirements analysis, policy, business and contracting. He is also on the committee of a local scout group, and was previously Canyoning Officer at the ANU Mountaineering Club.

Jeff has been involved with Warehouse Circus since 2016 – having three kids actively involved across circus, gymnastics, netball, rock climbing, and scouts, Jeff brings to Warehouse a broad exposure of how different organisations operate.

Melinda Gabriel


Melinda is currently the Assistant Secretary Finance Business Information for the Department of Defence. Melinda’s qualifications include CPA, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting). Melinda’s experience includes preparation of financial statements and internal management accounts, provision of strategic financial advice to senior decision makers, development and management of financial policy, procedures and controls, management of financial transaction processing, delivery of high-quality financial systems and general experience in HR management and leadership.

Melinda has extensive experience on committees and boards of community organisations, for example, Melinda was the finance officer of the German Australian Preschool for 2 years, in which time the Preschool expanded its operations from two days per week to four.  She is committed to seeing community organisations achieve results that benefit the community and members.

Jeremy Davies


Jeremy has a 27-year career in the performing arts working as a freelance circus performer/trainer, puppeteer, director, and business manager. In that time, he has had many diverse experiences from preforming on 42nd Street NYC, to unblocking toilets in a circus tent in Wollongong. 

Jeremy has worked with many of Australia’s well know contemporary circus’ such as Circus Monoxide, Circa and had a 14-year history working with Circus Oz. Throughout his expansive career he has created and produced many successful independent productions and has toured extensively both nationally and internationally. 

Like many freelance artists Jeremy’s business career started from necessity producing independent circus shows and promoting circus services to festivals and the corporate world. This led him to studying small business at RMIT and Business Management at Swinburne University. Jeremy is an early member of Warehouse Circus (1993-1998) and was the manager and owner of Blue Circus Studios (2001-2020) a professional circus incubator based in Fitzroy. 

Jeremy has been privileged to have personally experience the positive outcomes circus performance and training has on individuals and communities. He has worked with people in indigenous communities, fire effected communities, new arrivals to Australia, people living with a disability and youth circus. Jeremy is very passionate about circus performance and training and is a dedicated advocate for the benefits circus and the performing arts has for the wider community.

Martina Lyons


Martina is a senior manager with experience in delivering results and leading policy, program design and partnerships in government, corporate and not-for-profit.

She has expertise in building purpose-led teams, strategy, project management, collaborations and industry and government relations. She has a background in engagement, communications, sponsorship, knowledge sharing, social change and innovation.

Her sectoral experience includes professional services, government, industry associations, start-ups and large complex business in clean energy, renewables and community.

A personal goal of Martina’s is to do a handstand.

Download our most recent Annual Report

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